Thinking Elixir podcast: Using LiveView and Hooks!

Participating to the Thinking Elixir podcast!

I’ve participated to the Thinking Elixir podcast with Mark Ericksen, David Bernheise and Cade Ward. We’ve been discussing about my Elixir project and the Elixir news in general, Please find a link to the podcast here:

Thinking Elixir Listen to the Thinking Elixir Podcast! Sound icon

This podcast is great for getting in touch with what’s happening in the community, they have a good variety of guests and I highly recommend listening to it if you want to discover more about Elixir and its community.

Up Next

Open-sourcing my battery-included Phoenix boilerplate!

ExPlatform goes live!

Managing browser timezones to display dates with Phoenix Live View

Dates, timezones and locales

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